Childhood cancer is every parent’s worst nightmare. It is equally devastating to the child as it impedes their development, hindering them from enjoying what was supposed to be a fun, exciting, and beautiful phase of their lives. Families are also greatly affected as well as the disease cripples them financially and emotionally as they get caught in between stressful medical decisions while watching their children suffer. A parent’s best weapon – catching the early warning signs.

In the Philippines, childhood cancer affects 3,600 children every year. Painful reality is, 1/3 will only be diagnosed and treated at medical facilities and 2/3 of these children are already in the advance stage of their cancer at the time of their diagnosis. As a developing country where access to healthcare is still challenging for most Filipino families, survival rate is only at 10% – 30%.

Some of the most common pediatric cancers are the following – Leukemia, Brain and spinal cancer, Lymphoma, Retinoblastoma, Wilm’s tumor, among others.

Leukemia ranks first among the most common childhood cancers as it comprises 48% of childhood cancer cases in the country. It is a form of blood cancer that may either be acute – rapidly progressing, or chronic – slowly-progressing, both of which starts in the bone marrow, causing an abnormally high white blood cell production. Some leukemias may be detected during a regular routine check-up, while some symptoms may include excessive bruising, or bleeding, bone pains, malaise, intermittent fever, paleness, and recurring infections. The most common type of leukemia among Filipino children is Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Causes of pediatric cancer is still a medical mystery as most childhood cancers are caused by genetic mutations. While it is generally not possible to prevent cancer in children, advocates and medical practitioners couldn’t emphasize enough the importance of early and accurate detection. Studies show that cancer cells respond to treatments when detected early. If followed by effective and tailored supportive care, it would result to a better chance of survival. Having annual routine check-ups and maintaining good health by proper diet and exercise are important precautionary measures. In addition, parents are advised to immediately consult with their pediatrician if they notice any of the following common red flags:

  1. Frequent Bruising
  2. Constant Fever, Infection
  3. Unexplained Weight Loss
  4. Frequent Headaches
  5. Presence of Lumps and Swelling

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